Owning a business isn’t for the weak. It’s not easy as some make it look. Some folks make such and such but won’t tell you they have their parents living with them paying bills or that they get a check from disablity or that they know someone personally in a certain positition that gives them the leg up that not everyone gets.
Owning a business has personal benefits. Such as….
Being able to schedule a time around your kids schedule or your vacation schedule. You are the boss you get to take off when you want.
Travel opportunities
You are the boss
Opportunity to create
Networking opporunties to come across so many people with so many connections which can also create new opportunies in your personal life
A sense of pride and accompliment because you created something that generated something that helps others.
Whats a benefit of owning a business? How about a benefit of not owning a business?

The Comments
It's ok to have a lucrative Hobby - Kita Bryant
[…] to always be up as much as I can and a steady paycheck comes in handy on those down moments. Now if my business was making 6 figures then maybe I can forgo a steady paycheck but that is the only reason that I […]