Last weekend I attended the She Who Atlanta event with a friend because we said we wanted to get out of the house this year and do at least 2 networking events a month. I never know about most events in Atlanta so I am trying to figure out how to get on a list but we try to keep our ears to the ground as much as possible to find events that align with our goals and values.

This event my friend found. The first thing I noticed when I went in is that I was probably the oldest in the room and I’m just a buck over 40. I couldn’t get over that fact. Not because I felt old or looked it cause baby I look young but because these kids are millionaires and I’m old enough to be their mom. Let me repeat these early 20 kids 21, 23, 25, etc are making millions a year and I’m over here over 40 and can’t even make 6 figures a year. I felt some type of way about that it bothered me because it’s like wtf have I been doing in my life?

One thing I will say about these kids is that they fear nothing. See I fear being broke again where I can’t pay my bills. I fear being a meme and going viral for that meme, I fear failing, I fear my ability to succeed long-term, and I fear that I’m technically challenged and can’t do all these modern things. The younger generation has no fear. See I don’t have anyone to fall back on if I fail. These young kids have a mom or dad or auntie or someone who can catch them if they fall. I’m out here by myself doing this by myself with no one to catch me if I fall. I love my friends but we are all in the same boat just trying to survive daily bills. Anything extra chile forget about it.

Here are a few of the folks that I liked
Hungry Homegirl – she sticks to her brand and I love her content.
Britney Craft – I wanted to be her a while ago doing exactly what she was doing but yep…that fear.
Desalexiss – I never heard of anyone black owning their own acrylic nail supply. Young and killing it.
I learned that there is money out here to be made don’t let nobody tell you there isn’t.