I was going to save this for my It’s Finally Friday series but I thought this documentary needed it’s own space. Since I’m a storyteller of blogs and photography I thought maybe I could tell Celine’s story from my point of view. Her new documentary I Am was heartbreaking to watch. It told a story without telling a story. What I mean is that in the documentary she didn’t say much but if you can read between the lines she said a lot. The power of voice, your voice is powerful and you can use it to tell your story. I hope Celine Dion’s story will inspire you in some way. Make sure you watch the documentary (it was on Prime for me).
She is her music. She seems to have no identity outside of it. When your identity is founded on something that can be taken away from you, you will be lost. Never allow who you are to be swallowed up by a job, a spouse, a friend, not even your kids. Who are you if you don’t have any of that?
One thing she said in the documentary was that she has traveled all over the world but she didn’t really see anything. This stood out to me I had to pause the documentary to think about this. How could one travel the world and don’t see anything? Two things when you are so busy you don’t see life. You just see what you are doing. Second….sometimes when we travel we do everything but enjoy the moments. Our mind isn’t on the travel it’s on other things and we miss the opportunity to just be. I hope that when you do travel it will inspire you to not plan anything big just learn how to be in the moment. Plan some things but flow with the rest. This is how you should be in life. God laughs at my plans so I plan but allow room for flow too.
I didn’t realize how much of her songs I loved until I listened to her songs. I will admit I hated her voice when she first came out but as I got older I appreciated it. My top 3 favorites by her are below.
Beauty and the Beast is also my favorite Disney movie next to Lion King.
Her with that choir at the end…I will replay that part over and over again
There is a slower version that she does that I love better.
The price you have to pay for certain levels of fame….money is great but make sure your home is filled with love. Money can’t always buy you health. Health is wealth.
Her beauty in the documentary is not talked about enough. I didn’t see any Botox or added layers of anything. She was her real raw self. Makeup is fine but she also let her age just be. I know we want to look younger or try to use cosmetics to fix things but age gracefully. I think women who embrace aging are the most beautiful to me.
This documentary inspired me to not put my identity into things. To learn how to be vulnerable just a bit more. To know that my voice is huge even if I’m a small tiny fraction of the billions of people on this earth. I still have one and I can use it to touch someone (which is why I still write). Don’t worship your talent…take that however you want. We all have some strangeness within us or some weird things that go on. No one is perfect and sometimes we think we have to be perfect to be loved. We don’t.
Will you be watching? If you love Celine Dion what’s your favorite song by her?
The Comments
Oh wow! I didn’t know she had a documentary out. I’ve been so sad for her that she is now ill. I love Celine’s music so much. She has such a beautiful voice, and it breaks my heart that she may not be able to sing anymore.
I have so many favorite songs by Celine Dion. A few that come to mind are: The Reason, My Heart Will Go On, I Hate You Then I Love You (ft. Luciano Pavarotti), Because You Loved Me.
So many of her songs were part of my childhood and teen years. Every time I listen to my favorites, I instantly get flooded with memories of my youth.
That is interesting that she said she traveled the world and didn’t see anything. WOW!
(I’ll be honest– I’ve always found her relationship with her late husband a little odd since they had such a big age difference.)
Such a thoughtful post Kita!! I too read between the lines when watching. Celine grew on me as I matured, loved each of the songs you shared. She’s an inspiration. This documentary was very revealing about her current health challenges, even so was a wonderful reminder of her beauty, talent, and why we love about her. Personal identity can be a challenge to keep separate when a gift is so huge!!!! I don’t envy that burden. It was such a moving and sobering watch. Grateful she wanted to be vulnerable in this way, it must have been extremely humbling. Health is wealth!!!❤️💐
> Jenelleyes it is! She showed the world that you can be great and you can be down and both needs to be seen