The Unexpected Perks of Night Owl Life

The Unexpected Perks of Night Owl Life

You are a morning person. Great! I am not. Yes I know get up at 5 am, work out, journal, meditate, etc. Get up in the mornings so you can give to yourself before you give to others in your household. I love it….FOR YOU. For me, I am a night owl. I get more done at night than in the day. My mind at night goes into overdrive which is why I can’t sleep til about 1 am. Night times are quiet and I can think better because I’m in for the night. I don’t have to go anywhere and my mind can go over what I did for the day much better. Have I always been a night owl? Yes I like to say I’m on the 3rd shift which is between 10 pm and 12:30 ish am. I want to share some of the unexpected perks of my night owl life. It’s ok if you don’t agree with them you have to do what fits your life.

Quiet productivity: A night owl can get more done when the rest of the world is asleep

Enhanced creativity: Distractions are minimal at night. Again I don’t have to go out into the world and I can sit down and actually work without having to go anywhere afterwards

Those are the best perks of being a night owl for me..

Have a plan for what you will do at night. Some nights I’m doing stuff for my small business, some nights I’m just sitting down to answer emails for the day, some nights I am prepping for the next day by maybe cooking breakfast overnight or washing clothes late at night. Whatever I do have I have a plan for each night. (set a timer that helps)

Write down what you did for the day. This is the time to go over what I did wrong for the day, what I did write, what I’m grateful for, and even remember something I forgot to do. Sitting down helps with remembering that you forgot to look for that paperwork that you will need on Wed.

Make sure you set a time to go to bed at night because you have to get up in the morning. Stick to that time no matter what. They say that when you can’t sleep at night it’s because you aren’t at peace….and the funny thing is I don’t fall asleep until I make peace with the day. Each day comes with its own trials and tribulations so I gotta get that off of me before I go to bed because if not I will be mad going to bed and then whoooo mornings will be even rougher.

According to science night owls make better entrepreneurs. I don’t know if that’s true or not I’ll let you decide that.

Here are a few more tips to be a successful night owl

  • Work in bed with no TV and no music. Or sit at a desk and work. Work, however, your energy feels
  • Make it a rule to go to bed before the sun comes up or at least shut down by a certain time
  • Wear comfy clothes at night. Nothing stuffy or tight be comfortable and grab some decaf tea while at it
  • You can respond to emails at night without folks replying right back you can also take your time and read through things at night because there is no distraction…since everyone is asleep. My phone dings constantly in the daytime because everyone is up and about.
  • Choose to do something fun and exciting at night nothing boring or you will fall asleep. Do something that will get the juices flowing.
  • Sometimes the answer comes to you at night…keep a notebook by your bed. During the day you are sometimes rushed into making decisions. At night you have had time to think things through and can make a better decision after weighing your options

Are you a night owl?

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The Comments

  • Roshun Daniels
    September 3, 2024

    Never thought about it like this. All great points!!!