Things I liked and Disliked about back to school

Things I liked and Disliked about back to school

It’s August and that means it’s back to school. Here in the south, my kids started Aug 1st. I know that’s early but they get a lot of breaks in between, A week in Sept, a week for Thanksgiving, almost 3 weeks for Christmas, a week in Feb and a week in April and then school is done in May so while we may not get extra time in the Summer the breaks make up for it and I’m good with that. I am back with my 10 on the 10th and this month we are talking about 10 things I liked and disliked about back to school. If you want to join in please do all the info can be found here.

  1. I’ll start off with what I disliked for the first 5 things. I disliked getting up early in the morning. I had to get up extra early because my grandad was loud and the bathroom was next to me. I think he did that on purpose…make all the noise
  2. I had to walk to school. There was no bus to pick me up we lived in the city and if you lived within a certain walking distance the bus didn’t pick you up
  3. I hated school lunch I was in the high school cafeteria maybe 3 times my entire high school years.
  4. I disliked all the homework I had to do. It was so much work and we didn’t have computers when I was in high school so we had to manually write stuff or actually get this….read. Something these young kids don’t like to do.
  5. I didn’t like the attitudes of some teachers. I remember one time the English teacher kept calling my name wrong on purpose after I corrected her over 5 times so one day I called her name wrong and she was mad as hell. I ended up cussing her out and the principal called my mom. I was ruthless back then with my mouth. My mom didn’t take the teacher’s side either which kudos to my mom who heard the entire story and didn’t always side with the teacher.

Things I liked

  1. Getting good grades because I was rewarded with money
  2. Sitting in the choir room during lunch with my snacks and reading
  3. Sneaking off campus to ride with my friends to go get some real food from Burger King (which tastes so different now). When I started driving we just left during lunch…never got in trouble we didn’t have security guards back when I was in school nor a bunch of cameras
  4. My chemistry class. My honors Chemistry was challenging and it was the only class I looked forward to all day.
  5. Competing with one of the smart guys in school toe to toe for grades. We always challenged each other without saying we were. It kept me on my toes. I had to always one up him in class and he loved doing the same. We would try to finish our tests early or turn in something before the other. I often wonder what became of him….Hmmm.

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  • Marsha Banks
    August 11, 2024

    Oh, I totally forgot about the getting up early part. I hated that part, too! My only problem with school lunch when I was in high school was not having anyone to sit with. I was too shy to break out of my friend bubble and find others. I think I often spent lunch period in the library or one of the study rooms.

    I love that your mom backed you up with that teacher! When teachers are in the wrong, they need to be called on it! I wish I had been rewarded with money, but then, I never rewarded my kids, either! Chemistry was one of those classes I never took. One of the reasons was the teacher was just so gross. Another was I had no interest in it. So, ultimately, who won the most often…you or the guy?

    Thanks again, Kita, for playing along on 10 on the 10th!