I saw this post on my Instagram timeline the other day and I loved it so I thought I would join in one what I’m too old for these days. I am 40-something (I keep my age to myself because I can but I am early 40s) and I have learned a lot as I’ve gotten older. I watch actions more and more, I give people grace, and I don’t argue like I used to. If you had caught me in my 30s I would be a cussing fool…now I’m just going to cuss cause I’m not arguing about everything. Here are 4 things I’m too old for and I want you to share yours below.
I am too old to not say no when I want to. The word is NO….period. I said yes a lot when I was younger. If someone needed me for something I would make it happen even compromising myself and my boundaries. If someone asked me for money I would give it to them without a thought and do without so they could have. I would say yes to going out when I haven’t been in my own house all week. I would say yes I can do that photoshoot at the last min and stop my stuff and do it. When I hit my 40s the word no came a little easier (it’s still hard but much easier). If I don’t want to do it I say no immediately I don’t even say maybe or let me know because a let me know also means a no in my book.
I am too old to argue my point. If it ain’t got nothing to do with my bills or my money (I will still argue over a bill if they got it wrong…I’m still growing) I’m not going to argue with you or prove to you I’m right. If you say the sky is grey baby the sky is grey. If you say I’m wrong and you are right….you are absolutely correct I’m wrong. Y’all can have it. I tell my kids (I have teens) all the time… I will tell you something 3 times after the 3rd strike you out. You gonna learn on your own and I’m not going to argue with you because I’m an old hag who doesn’t know anything. Some teens won’t learn until they go through it and I hate that for them but I am not going to argue
I’m too old to keep jealous or envious people around me. There is a difference between the two and it can overlap. If they say phrases like you bougie…you can’t be around me. If they say phrases like it must be nice…they gotta go. I came from nothing to get a piece of something and I won’t let you make me feel bad that your lazy ass didn’t do the work and you expect people to give it to you.
I am too old not to have my finances in order. Look I get it this economy sucks but some of y’all live way above your means like you got it like that. You taking out loans for birthday parties chile bye. You living in an expensive apartment because you don’t wanna live away from the city. You work a 6 figure job and gotta borrow money to fix your car. It’s a no for me. Go over your finances cut things, get a 2nd job hell some of us work 3 (raises hands), do what you gotta do and stop having more going out than coming in. Also stop complaining about money if you aren’t willing to go on someones job to go get it.
I’m too old for excuses when there is google
I’m too old for drama
I’m to old to be going out late at night
I’m too old to have anymore babies. If I get pregnant please come check on me and my mental state because I have surely lost my mind.