I listened to this podcast about private school life vs public school. It’s eye opening the vast differences between the two. I grew up in a private school then switched to public and the kids were slow. I had to dumb myself down so that I wouldn’t get teased about me passing everything with an A.
Some people look at folks sideways when they send their kids to private schools. Well, why did you send your child to a white private school or oohh your child is smart they should be able to make it at a regular public school. Life ain’t fair and for me, I choose a private school for my kids vs public schools because I want them to have a chance.
I could have moved and choose to get a house in a better school district but I just rather pay the same amount in a school and be done than be saddled with a high mortgage after they finish. Listen to the podcast and see what happens when kids see how the other half lives.