The other day one of my photographer buddies said that she forgot my social media handles and my website name so she told a lady who was looking for a photographer to look up photographers in Conyers, GA. The funny thing is I didn’t pull up. Why? I’m not focused on my small town and making money in it. So how do people with big dreams make money in small towns? It’s not easy when everyone wants to focus on the bigger cities. Atlanta photographer just sounds better but we can’t always be focused on bigger cities when smaller towns need our businessiness also. So what are some unconventional ways to thrive in small towns financially? Let’s discuss some of the ways I do things and maybe this will help you in your small business.
First, make sure you are utilizing SEO. Having a blog or a website is key to this. SEO is how people find you on social media if they don’t know your social media. We forget that people google daily and you have to be a part of that search so that people can find you. Have a website, have a blog, and learn SEO. You don’t have to post daily but posting at least twice a month can get eyes on you. Make sure your posts are evergreen so that it can last and be searchable for months.
Next, you want to join your local chamber of commerce. This is a great way to know who is who right in your neighborhood and networking is key. If your local chamber of commerce isn’t active see if you can join the next city over. This helps you meet others who can spread the word about your business without you having to lift a finger all you have to do is show up be present let your work speak for itself.
Use old-school marketing tactics. My local area has flyers that come in your mailbox at least once a month. Put your ad in that. We still check our mailbox if it’s once a week utilize that old school marketing even make your own ads and send them off locally. I get a lot of flyers from local real estate agents who use that old-school marketing tactic. I may throw it away but I do glance at it and not everyone will throw it away some will utilize it. One out of 10 people will file that info away.
Get involved with your local schools and show up to events. Doing a vendor table wherever you can locally works if you have a business. Even if you aren’t selling anything you can still have a table or a booth to tell people what you do. Show up at smaller events instead of big ones you will pack more of a punch and be more memorable.
Be a walking billboard. I’m a photographer so I am always with my camera. If you sell clothes always have your shirt on. I own a t-shirt company and have made money just by walking around my neighborhood. If you are a real estate agent it should be on your car with a logo or you should have a shirt that says who you are. Hairdressers make sure your hair is done so people can ask who did your hair.