Happy New Year! I saw this list on Instagram of ins and outs. What I’m bringing into 2024 and what I’m leaving in 2023. I thought it was a cute list and I wanted to join in with my own version. I also included a bingo card of what I want to accomplish this year. I created it in Canva and you can do your own. It’s my manifestation of what I want for 2024 with a free space because such is life. Make your own and see how well you did at the end of the year. Without further ado here is what I’m bringing into 2024 we will start with that list first.

- Daily Stretching
- Bedtime by 12 midnight
- A cup of water every morning before coffee or food
- Cooking something from my many cookbooks at least once a week
- Taking more photos with my camera (I’m doing my annual 365)
- Dating myself
- Creating a new hobby
- Fruit or Veggie daily
- Letting things I can’t control go
- Doing more spontaneous things
- Spending on things I don’t need or at least waiting 48 hours before I hit checkout
- Negative self-talk
- So much time on social media (plus getting rid of Twitter or X on my phone)
- Letting fear win
- Saying yes to things I want to say no to
- 3 hours of sleep
- Not asking for help
- Doordash (only twice a week if needed)
- Eating once a day
- Excuses
The Comments
I feel so disoriented and nauseous if I don’t get at least 6 hours of sleep. I hope you are able to get a good bedtime routine that you love!
Yes, to stretching! *praise hands*
So, I hurt my lower back a few days ago, and I’ve been very uncomfortable this week. I have chronic back pain (from my multiple pregnancies), and I started doing yoga last year. It helped my back pain tremendously!
I wasn’t keeping up with my yoga for about two months, and that’s how the pain flared up again.
Last year taught me that stretching can do wonders for our middle-aged bodies!
> Jenniferyes. I need to create the habit because I start good then stop stretching. I wish I could get a solid 4 hours. I’m still in bed but not going to sleep til about 2 or 3 am and gotta get up for school at 6 smh