I always join in on the 10th of every month a challenge going back to the old school of blogging. It’s fun to just let you all get a peek into my life and get to know me. This month we are answering questions on this or that or would you rather do this or that.
Would you rather make resolutions, select a word of the year, or make bucket lists?
I do a word of the year that actually incorporates all the above. It’s my resolution and a part of my bucket list. So my word of the year is execute. On my bucket list I will execute exercising. My resolution is to do the things I say I will do not just talk about it….all goes back to executing.
Would you rather make memories on vacations or save or save for a big occasion (retirement, wedding, college, etc.)?
Make memories. When my hubs died my kids remember the vacations and the fun. Live now!
Would you rather buy all the things on sale or shop your closet?
Shop my closet. It’s amazing the things that can be reused and repurposed
Would you rather shed weight through fad dieting and do it quickly or eat differently and lose slowly?
The tortoise and the hare….slow and steady win the race
Would you rather undergo some type of facial treatment or update a room in your home?
update a room. I need to get new rugs and actually do window coverings in my den area
Would you rather watch Paul Hollywood or RuPaul?
I don’t know who Paul Hollywood is without looking him up so I’m going to go with Rupaul
Would you rather have to wear the same color all year long or not wear that color at all?
I don’t like pink so there is that
Would you rather wear a designer look or a designer knockoff?
Their all made in the same factory you are only paying for the name. I will go with the knockoff
Would you rather be overdressed or underdressed at an occasion?
I like to be myself so I am always underdressed it’s just who I am
Would you rather have only neutral clothing or extremely colorful clothing?
I look good in color but my closet consists of a lot of browns and blacks with a touch of grey
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