I’m a big believer in written content. Written receipts because people like to play with me. Written ideas because I’m getting old. We like to think we can remember things but we can’t. If it’s not written down then it won’t get done.
Blogging is my go-to when it comes to writing. It doesn’t matter if only one person reads this it can help that one person with something. I got into blogging because I just love long form content (even though I’m keeping it short these days). Being able to reference things that are written. While video is king, I don’t feel like stopping and starting videos when I want to figure something out maybe for some things but not all things.
One of the tools I use to write things down is Milanote. It’s a lifesaver. I use mine for my vision board for my brands, photoshoots, social media content, and that book that I want to write but haven’t gotten to.
Here is a quick video on what Milanote can do. Type in Milanote on youtube to see other videos.
I also use emails a lot for contacting people and getting things done. It’s my contract for others because I can always refer back to that better than a conversation.
Save and share your ideas and thoughts you never know who may need them.
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The Comments
I've failed many times - Kita Bryant
[…] Write down what you are doing and focus on how far you’ve come […]
The Power of Voice: Celine Dion's Story Will Inspire You - Kita Bryant
[…] of people on this earth. I still have one and I can use it to touch someone (which is why I still write). Don’t worship your talent…take that however you want. We all have some strangeness […]