I am back with the 10 on the 10th and this time we are going to end the Summer with some fun questions and answers to get to know me better. I hope this gives an insight on what summers are for me and if you want to join in just copy and paste the questions and the answers.
Tell us about your favorite summer vacation. Now, tell us about a vacation gone wrong.
I usually don’t travel during the Summer it’s always crowded and more expensive. A secret is to travel off season. My kids have Fall break for a week and Winter break for a week. We usually take those weeks and travel and stay home during the Summer. I will say though when I was traveling in the Summer our favorite Summer vacation was actually the hubs and I first vacation. It’s a small town that was unknown to us called Port St. Joe. It was a sponsored trip (back when I was blogging blogging) so I didn’t have to pay for anything but the fees to get there. It was our first trip as a family because we couldn’t afford anything and it was one of the last trips we took before the hubs died so that trip meant a lot and my kids still talk about it to this day. Vacation gone wrong…I don’t have any because if I go on a vacation it will go right lol
Share an activity from your summers as a kid, but now you wouldn’t even consider trying it.
My grandma owned a farm. I had to be outside at the crack of dawn to milk cows, pick eggs, plant stuff, etc. I refuse to go outside as an adult because of that experience. I spent all my Summers at my grandma house and I worked hard in that heat from sun up to sun down. You won’t even catch me outside mowing the lawn. I think not.
Is there something you love to wear in the summer, but would never wear in the colder months?
Shorts lol or biker shorts to be more specific love wearing those in the winter to just throw on and go.
Spill the tea! What summer beverage do you need to make it through the day? What beverage wouldn’t grace your table ever during the summer?
Water all summer long with a slice of lemon. Tea is good too but I’m trying to stay off of that as often as I can. Hot chocolate…I save that for the fall and winter
When you were a kid, was there something you did that kids today would think was a complete waste of time? Is there something kids do today you find a lost cause?
Reading. The kids today don’t read. I read all the time but I also didn’t have any electronics when I was growing up and my mom refused to get cable. Kids today can’t even breathe without their electronic device
Share a summer movie you watch as often as you can. What summer movie do you wish had never been filmed?
Lassie…the classic one lol. There were many versions but I loved the first one. Hmm one that never was filmed I don’t know maybe the scary ones
Tell us about your current favorite summer song. Now, tell us about a song that instantly takes you back to your childhood.
Hmmm I’ve been playing pressure all summer but I love anything that makes me feel good. A song that takes me back to childhood is any R&B song from the 90s
Time to spill the tea again! Are you a bikini type person? Or, do you only dip your toe in the waters in a one piece?
I don’t wear any of it. I’m too big for that and I’m not comfortable in my skin to let it all out. So I dip my toe in with my clothes on because I only literally dip a toe in. I’m good with just sitting and listening to the waves.
Share a favorite summer recipe you love to fix over and over again. Now, what recipe did you try one summer and will never attempt again.

I tried salmon on a pizza…no thanks
What is your absolute favorite summer smell? What summer smell makes you want to vomit?
lemon or something fruity. I don’t like anything that smells like leather
The Comments
Marsha Banks
I’m so glad you are playing along! Now that we’re both retired, we usually vacation in the off seasons. I was a teacher so we had to vacation during the summer then. It’s funny you mention working so hard at your grandma’s. My kids bought me a Storyworth subscription, and I was just writing about weekend traditions. Mine was to go home with them and work on their mini farm. But, that was a treat because I only had to do it for a couple of hours. There weren’t any cows to milk or eggs to pick, though! I can see why you wouldn’t want to do that. I love nature, but I’m not necessarily a fan of being outside when it’s hot and humid!
I wish I liked to drink water, but I don’t. Even adding something to it doesn’t really help. I do need to change that, though. I hear you on not being comfortable in your skin. This body I have now is not the one I had three years ago, and I just don’t feel right in it.
Your watermelon salad sounds really tasty and perfect for summer!
> Marsha BanksI hate drinking water it has to be with a lemon and room temp lol