Saw this post as I was browsing the internet and thought I would join in. I kept it at 10 because 10 is my favorite number.
Your memory is not as good as you think. Write it down. Keep a notebook with you at all times or use your voice note
Stay away from people who always complain or have excuses. You can still speak but keep your distance. They will die on that hill complaining. Also, stay away from people who don’t take the blame for anything…it’s always someone else’s fault
To take ownership of things that happen in my life. It’s my choice so if it doesn’t work it’s on me
Word of mouth still works even in 2022. I got 0 clients from social media and hardly any sales for my t-shirt brand via social media. My numbers haven’t even grown but by 2 people on my @kita.bryant Instagram since Jan 2022 til today. I still made bank…
How to be more resilient. Check this article out. I’m going to get back up when life knocks me down.
Trust people who say “I don’t know” more than those who have all the answers.
If you want to win you have to at least play the game. The game of life is difficult play to win even if you don’t win…play like you gonna
People will steal and copy your shat but they ain’t you. Remember that and stop worrying about what folks steal…
We waste money daily by eating and shitting it out.
It’s okay for your goals, dreams, and desires to change. Change is good and you should change. Also never say never. Trust me on this one……
What lessons have you learned this year? (shirt in the picture can be found on shegeechee.com)