I used to be a person that was always on time but as I’m getting older I find that I’m late these days more and more (I blame Atlanta traffic for this too). It’s because I didn’t plan out my time and schedule the night before. I’m late most of the time because I’m trying to pick out something to wear and I hate all of my clothes. I’m just going to keep it all the way real. How can I fix this?
Get my clothes ready the night before. It’s easy but sometimes I am in a different mood the next day and I don’t want to wear what I picked out or I ate 3 krispy kreme donuts the night before so my ass can’t fit in that outfit anymore. Whatever the case here is what I am doing to structure my time better.
Understand where your lateness comes from. I identified mine above. Yours may come from doing too much in a short time. You think you can multitask and do it all but you can’t. Lessen some things up so that you aren’t short on time and miss half of what you set out to do.
I also use a timer for everything. I can be working on this blog post and then my mind drifts and then I’ve lost track of time which cuts into something else that I need to do. Set a timer, stay as focused as you can, and put down social media.
Take accountability for running late and let people know that you are doing your best and have a full plate. The real ones will understand.
Are you a late person? Are you an on time person?