I’m back! I took off last week for Spring Break to just be and put the internet and social media streets down. Bad decision because I got back and had over 500 emails combined from all my email accounts…ridiculous. Anywhoo I’m back with an all-new It’s Finally Friday and if you are new here it’s a series I do every Friday (unless I’m on vacation) that gives my opinions on articles, TV shows, what’s going on in the world, etc. If you missed the last It’s Finally Friday you can check it out here. Without further ado let’s get into this week’s topic…Quiet on the Set. It’s Finally Friday, April 12th let’s Go!

I didn’t wanna watch Quiet on the set because I knew I was going to be pissed but my son watched it and in order to discuss things I needed to watch it. See my son wants to be in the entertainment world also and we need to be aware of things that go on behind the scenes. His father knew and the mother didn’t pay attention. I also hate that grown adults can’t find other grown adults to do things with why do you have to bother children? Is it the innocent factor? I hate that he had to go threw that and I hate that there wasn’t anyone around that could stop it. Kids don’t know they think uncle johnny house is fun when we as parents try to say no it’s not fun over there and they don’t understand the dangers. Also, there needs to be a law where parents have to be around minor kids and there is no such thing as kids trying to get rid of their parents unless it’s something proven to be dangerous. I don’t let my kids spend the night anywhere my son wanted to go over to a friend’s house I’ve never met the parents the dad is a huge producer here in Atlanta. Parents never called me to talk to me or meet me but it was ok for my son whom you don’t know to spend the night. I said no my son fought with me but finally ended it when I stuck to my no. Red flags are all over and as parents, we have to pay attention. Glad social media wasn’t around back then to find out who he was and he was able to come out and talk about it on his own.
Top 3 of the week…..
Top 3 shoes I’m wearing this summer
- These Nike Zoom Vomeros I got the white greyish looking ones. I got so many compliments and it feels like you are walking on air.
- These comfortable flats I just bought in brown because it goes with a lot of stuff.
- Birkenstock but the cheaper one