It’s really January 2030 the way this month lasted so long. I think it was a combination of all the bad news we’ve gotten this month and the snow and just coming into the new year dreading 47…it’s been a lot. How are you mentally? I am ok I just need to go to a beach sit by some waves and relax my mind. I will do that next month. My heart goes out to the families who have lost loved ones in Washington from the tragic plane crash. I am saddened and I truly believe it was an accident and we are human but that doesn’t take away the pain. Please take a moment of silence for them. It’s finally Friday, Jan 31st, and today we are talking HillmanTok.

One lady started something on tik tok that has now taken over. I don’t think Dr. Barlow did it intentionally but it turned into something great that we all needed. Now what I don’t love is that these classes are open to everyone and some of them need to be closed off from the entire world but I digress I love that we turned a mistake into something greater. I have enrolled in a few classes Queen Expressions (teaching makeup for beginners), Financial literacy ( Thurman Brooks this one looks hard), Biblical Studies 101 (billyandyolanda), and more. Put the tag in #hillmantok on tik tok (if you still have it) and get your class schedule together. I can’t wait to learn more and do more but whew its a lot of classes. Here is a list of them if you wan to dig deeper.
Top 3 of the week…..
Top 3 ways I have dealt with Jan 2025
Staying off of social or only be on there using my 3 times 5 method.
Calling people like no texting picking up the phone and calling people I love
Making sure I focus on only what I can control
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It's Finally Friday: Feb. 28th - Kita Bryant
[…] week. If you missed any of my other It’s Finally Friday’s make sure you check them out here. It’s Finally Friday: Feb. 28th and we are going to talk OJ […]