Welcome back to my series It’s Finally Friday where I give you an article and my top 3 for the week. If you missed the last It’s Finally Friday make sure you check it out here. Let’s see this week I want to tackle building a new app…specifically threads.

So I saw this article a while ago and I remembered it after Threads came about. Build an alternative. Y’all remember Blockbuster (am I saying how old I am?) Well, Netflix built an alternative. Twitter is still my favorite but ole Zuck built an alternative (by the way I’m on threads kita.bryant is the name). I think Elon needs to build an alternative to Facebook groups…he has something on Twitter but it’s not well known. Play chess not checkers and use what Zuck has and build an alternative to compete. I am only on FB for the groups so that can be a way that Elon wins on Twitter. Build a new one….and build it better.
Top 3
Top 3 apps that I love
Feedbin – its where I pay 5 bucks a month to collect all of my favorite websites and twitter threads it’s worth the money
Artful Agenda – It’s my calendar with the stickers but the online version. Use my code RK44458 to check it out
Milanote – it’s a notebook that you can carry with you. I used it to jot down ideas, content calendars, photoshoots, and much much more
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It's Finally Friday: July 21 - Kita Bryant
[…] are back with our It’s Finally Friday series. If you missed the last one check it out here. We talked about our favorite apps. It’s Finally Friday is a space […]