Well, March is moving right on along like it has somewhere to be. It’s already mid-March and it will be May if we blink hard. I hope your March is going well I am glad we have some light back in the evenings. I’ve been enjoying it by sitting outside on my back porch listening to the birds chirp. I just need a water feature back there and I’m good to go. If you are new here welcome! It’s Finally Friday are my thoughts and opinions about stuff with a top 3 of the week. If you missed the last one you can catch it here. It’s finally Friday, March 15th let’s talk about my business She Geechee.

Yes, I own a T-shirt company. It’s hard. I don’t have the time to put into it like I would like. I can’t pay models and I am not on TikTok. I make a few coins but not enough. I don’t buy in bulk because I never know what sizes people want or the colors so I like dropshipping and that fits me well. Starting a t-shirt company doesn’t cost you a lot initially. If you know how to work Canva or photoshop you can create your own graphics. Fiverr is also great just look for folks who have good reviews. I want to share some things I learned while doing this so maybe you can take some notes and do it better.
White shirts don’t sell (at least for me). I have sold maybe 5 in my entire 3 years of my business. Do not buy in bulk if you haven’t tested your market out yet. Use Printful or Printify first or a local company to make shirts on demand. Shopify is the major platform most use but I use Woocommerce it’s free..a tad bit more work but it’s free. Niche down and stick to that. My niche is Geechee although I have shirts that speak to everyone the main focus is Gullah Geechee. Wear your own brand. I get the most sales when I walk around in public with my shirt on. I sell the best quality Gilden is nice but not the best it’s cheap and doesn’t wash well. If my other brand doesn’t have the color I will use Gilden. I started my business for less than $500 including the website, the graphics, and buying my own shirts to wear. Also another tip….use stock photos to sell if you don’t have models yet. Etsy has some of the best for African Americans.
Top 3 of the week…….
Top 3 t-shirt brands I love
Jolie Noire – they use printful so you see how they elevate using dropshipping so don’t say it doesn’t work
Beacon Threads – Love their stuff and I have about 10 of their shirts. My favorite thing is how they put their shirts on concrete and take a pic
WRLDINVSN – I ain’t gonna lie I study them and still can’t be them lol but I will buy a shirt.
I’ll honorably mention God is Dope only thing is their shirt quality has gone down a little at least the last few I bought.
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It's Finally Friday: March 22 - Kita Bryant
[…] make you laugh, drop some links, etc. If you missed the last Finally Friday you can check it out here. This week we are talking about cancer and how it sucks and how I hate it. I don’t hate many […]