This has been the most bizarre Friday I have had in a while. First, my neighbors fought over a dog, my daughter was sick at school, and my son got in a car accident. The good is that everyone is fine and there were lessons learned. Always find the good is my motto no matter how bad your day is going. Always find the good. Welcome to May! I have an upcoming senior who’s graduating so May is busy but we are still here and it’s finally Friday, May 3rd. If you missed the last post from our series you can catch it here. This week let’s talk about Mental Health Awareness.

We have to take care of our mental health. Times are tough for some folks not all but some and in order to make it day to day we have to make sure we are good. Before we pour into others we have to make sure we are taking care of ourselves. Since May is mental awareness month setting boundaries is a great place to start when it comes to mental health. I set boundaries all the time and will not hesitate to turn my phone off, not hang around certain people, and say no to things I truly don’t want to do. Along with setting boundaries let’s find someone to talk to. If you can’t afford a therapist find someone who you can trust that will tell you like it is (not the yes friend either). We all need someone to talk to about things that go on in our lives to either vent or get a different perspective. It’s good to have that as we take care of our mental health. How do you take care of your mental health?
Top 3 of the week
3 things that help me with my mental health
Going to the beach at least twice a year. My goal is to move close to a beach in the next few years.
Learning to make sure I pour for me first before I pour for others. My cup gotta be full or I can’t give you anything I got.
Having a non crank day once a week. I’m kinda famous on my social media channels for having a non crank day once a week. I don’t get it every week but I would say 80% of the year I take one day a week to not crank my car (usually a Sunday). I stay in bed all day and relax. I don’t cook, I don’t clean, I don’t do anything but be in bed all day.
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It's Finally Friday: May 9th - Kita Bryant
[…] types of stuff. If you missed last week’s It’s Finally Friday check it out here. In honor of mothers day I want to share what motherhood means to me. Again this is my opinion so […]