I've failed many times

I’ve failed many times

I saw a post on Instagram that talked about failure.

I have failed in a lot of things. Marriage, parenting, businesses. I’ve had at least 7 businesses in the past 10 years that have all failed and I finally realized maybe I’m not meant to own a business because I feel like if you haven’t made money (real money that you can live off type of shat) then you just a hobby especially if you still have a job. (don’t come for me)

I think the 20s is the setup to have the best life you can possibly have once you get into your late 30s or early 40s. I feel like by the time I make it like really make it I will be too old to enjoy life anymore. I don’t wanna be 60 finding the love of my life what are we gonna do cause I can’t bend it like I can now well hell I can’t do that either but I can do thangs now that I can’t at 60 lol,

I don’t want to be 70 and finally making 6 figures or 90 when I take my dream vacation. And time doesn’t stand still and I feel like time is moving and I’m not where I want to be. Does anyone else feel this way or is it just me?

How can we shift to win? Are you making excuses like me?

Here are some tips:

Write down what you are doing and focus on how far you’ve come

Fail and fail again and learn from each failure. Don’t just fail to fail you have to learn and grow.

Make sure you know what you are doing. It’s no one’s fault but yours at the end of the day so what fault are you really playing? Correct that fault and do better the next time.

Just do it…..(totally stole that from Nike) you may or may not fail but half of us aren’t even willing to just do the work. It can be as simple as that.

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The Comments

  • Shantel
    February 19, 2023

    Folks don’t realize that before you even get a customer it costs you to run that business. Website monthly fees, email service monthly fees, running ads, paying for platforms that you use like Adobe. So while you’re waiting on paying customers, which could take a minute, you still have all these monthly business expenses. Now add to that if you need to hire out folks but can’t afford it initially. You’re stuck doing the job of 5-10 alone. That’s stressful as all hell.