The quick answer is yes.
Have a website because social media acts the fuck up all the time. They can shut down your social pages at any time and it always glitches. Social media is great to build followers but what if your social channels get shut down? We don’t own them and as a creator who wants moolah, you need to own your land.
Your website also acts as a home for everything you do.
You can use rented land and land you own but ain’t nothing like owning your own.
I saw this YouTuber say that she is dusting off her website and making a comeback. I also heard someone else on Twitter say that websites are coming back. I never left…..
Your website tells people what you do in a one-stop shop. It holds your portfolio of work, goes deeper into who you are, and it has ways to contact you because believe it or not…everyone is not on social media and some people find you via google or by word of mouth.
There is nothing like saying go to kitabryant.com to check me out. This gives people a firsthand look into who you are and if they want to work with you. I cuss so you may find that offensive and that gives you a choice on whether you want to work with me or not.
Have a simple website
Make sure the design is pleasing to the eye
Have a contact page
Best of all direct people to the site right from social. No DM come to the site.