Ready to stop procrastinating? It’s easy to get overwhelmed and begin putting important things off or avoiding responsibilities. Procrastination happens to the best of us, especially since we’ve all got so many things going on at once, and so much vying for our time and attention. In some cases, we put important things off that can truly propel our success, which can be detrimental. Here are 9 tips to help you stop procrastinating and finally do that thing you keep putting off.
Tips to Help You Stop Procrastinating
1. Figure out Why You Can’t Stop Procrastinating
The first step to help you stop procrastinating is to figure out if what you want to accomplish is truly in your best interest. Is it something you want to do, or do you feel like it’s something you have to do, based on others expectations of you? Dig deep and determine whether or not that thing you think you want to do, is truly important to you.
2. Understand Why People Procrastinate
Often we put off things when we feel overwhelmed or consumed with the idea that we may not be up to the task. Several factors can contribute to procrastination, so its important to get clear on what your triggers are. Is the work toward accomplishing the goal going to cost you time, energy, or money? Are you feeling overwhelmed by all of the steps necessary to accomplish said goal?
3. Set Achievable Goals
We often hear people say that we need to set S.M.A.R.T. goals; ones that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-sensitive. And, yes that does work for some people. But, this approach isn’t the best for all personality types. It’s similar to advice that suggests you find an accountability partner to help you accomplish your goals.
Sometimes we like to move in silence so there are no distractions. Other times, the act of setting goals doesn’t fall into neat little S.M.A.R.T. categories. The key is finding a goal-setting method that works for you. The only method that will work, is one that you will stick to; consistency is key.
4. Are Too Many Distractions the Reason You Can’t Stop Procrastinating
There’s so much vying for our attention these days, from work and home obligations, and reality TV to doomscrolling on social media. It’s up to you to figure out if the distractions in your life are keeping you from doing that thing you want to do. Are you spending too much time goofing off on the internet? Are you spending your time with people who are not in your best interests? When you remove people or things from your life that keep you from your goals, you have a better chance of staying consistent and on track.
Action Steps to Help You Finally Do The Thing
5. Time Management is Your Friend
Time management techniques, such as the Pomodoro Technique, can be incredibly helpful in curbing procrastination. This method involves working for a set period (usually 25 minutes) and then taking a short break. The structured time frame makes work seem more manageable and less intimidating, reducing the temptation to procrastinate.
6. Sometimes You Just Have to Suck It Up
Self-discipline is a fundamental trait for overcoming procrastination. To develop self-discipline, practice setting and adhering to your deadlines and promises. Over time, you’ll become more reliable to yourself and find it easier to stay on track.
7. Figure Out What Motivates You to Be Your Best
Understanding what motivates you is essential in the battle against procrastination. It might be the satisfaction of completing a task, the fear of consequences, or the promise of a reward. Identifying your sources of motivation can help you stay engaged and focused on your goals.
8. Stop Trying to Be Perfect All The Time
Perfectionism is something that many of us struggle with. We figure, if we can’t do it perfectly, then why even bother? The thing is, no one out there is doing it perfectly. I’d argue that many people are doing it either wrong, or half-heartedly, but they’re still finding success. So, you don’t have to give it your all, every single day. There’s no need to be perfect. Any progress is still progress, so just keep going as best you can.
9. Celebrate Your Wins Regularly
There’s no fun in just working and working without a break. When you celebrate small wins here and there throughout your goal, you can motivate yourself to keep going. Break down your larger project into smaller pieces. Be sure to celebrate the small wins along the way.
Putting off things that will better you professionally and personally is never a good idea. But, when you know why people procrastinate and can set goals in a way that works for you, you’ll be able to overcome procrastination and live your best life. When you work to stop procrastinating and finally accomplish what it is you’re trying to achieve, you’ll feel as though you’ve conquered the world.