The Benefits of Hiring a New Photographer

The Benefits of Hiring a New Photographer

We all started at the bottom and now we are here. A lot of people are coming into photography fresh at all ages young and old. When you are looking for a photographer of course you want to look for the biggest and the best. The biggest meaning their social media has thousands of followers on it or they seem to be everywhere taking all the pictures. What if you see someone you like but they only have a few hundred when it comes to followers? What if you know someone who is transitioning into photography, you know them as a person but you are weary of how well they may photograph. Look let’s keep it real not everyone who comes into photography will last nor are they good. You also have some that are good at their job but their customer service and/or timing sucks. I was a new photographer once and I want to share the benefits of hiring a new photographer for your next photoshoot.

A new photographer can give you fresh eyes. Working with the same photographer can lead to a certain level of comfort, but it can also result in a predictable style. A new photographer brings a fresh perspective, offering innovative ideas and a unique approach to capturing your vision.

Creating new relationships. Nothing is wrong with keeping your same photographer but be open to having a backup one and hiring a newer photographer can do just that because your main photographer may be busy or their calendar might not align with yours. Photography is a collaborative process. Hiring a new photographer opens the door to building a fresh working relationship.

New skills may lead to a new way to stand out from the crowd. Maybe instead of having just a wedding photographer you can hire someone to capture just the raw emotions of the audience. Keep your wedding photographer but hire someone to do something else that doesn’t require the top tier pressure of capturing your wedding. Or better yet if you are a photographer you can hire someone else smaller to do something for example if you shoot for a family hire another photographer who is just starting out to shoot you while you shoot the family.

Don’t be afraid to hire someone new you never know how it may work out and don’t be afraid to tell your regular photographer if you do plan on stepping out. It feels like cheating but a good photographer knows their worth and it won’t matter if you want to see what else is out there they will still be booked and busy regardless. Also, trust me they always come back…ask me how I know.

Photos taken from one of my clients earlier this year.

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