Top 10 things I love

Top 10 things I love

I’m back with February 10 on the 10th hosted by Marsha in the middle. I will answer her questions but I also wanted to tell you the top 10 things I’m loving so far this year. Some will be products but others will just be things I love.

  1. Give me my house because I’m an introvert
  2. wear red velvet. I’m not a cake person at all and Red Velvet cake is very hard to make
  3. I’m a jewelry girl and I love all things hearts. My friend gave me a heart friendship ring and I wear it all the time
  4. Reeces pieces but wait the heart is the same thing essentially lol
  5. Action…most have a love story anyway
  6. Homemade seems more personal
  7. Tahiti hands down
  8. I don’t wanna miss a thing because the hubs actually played that for me one time
  9. I’ll celebrate for a week but I do think Valentines should be all the time
  10. Give me the sour candy because I do not like brussels sprouts lol

Now my top 10 things I’m loving right now

  1. Of course my kids although one is grown I love this new era of them
  2. My purse that my daughter is trying to steal from me
  3. My standing desk because I need to move more
  4. Me not caring to argue with others anymore. If you say the sky is red I will say you are right
  5. Working from home. If my job ever goes away I will cry but I will have to suck it up and go back to work in an office.
  6. Being a passenger princess as my daughter has her permit and now has to drive more she is already tired of it…oh well
  7. My paid off car because I could not do a car note right now
  8. I know everyone loves apple head phones but I like Bose better and I’ve had mine for a few years not one single problem.
  9. My upcoming vacation next week because I need it
  10. Me being open to new friendships and new experiences. I love this new era of being in my 40’s

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The Comments

  • Marsha Banks
    February 11, 2025

    Kita, I think we agreed on most things. I love your list of 10 things you love right now, too. I wish I could be more #4. Actually, I don’t argue with people…I do it in my head which makes me crazy. My husband wants to buy a new car, but I keep telling him I don’t want a car payment, the increased insurance and license tags. I mean, I’d love a new car, too, but my little Honda Civic does me just fine (except for when those big old trucks with the bright lights tailgate me). I’m so glad your new era is turning out so well! Enjoy your vacation!

  • K. Elizabeth
    February 27, 2025

    I’m with you when it comes to headphones. I prefer Bose as well. My daughter is currently commandeering the pair I have/had. So, I’m thinking of treating myself to a new pair in my Easter basket.

    • kitab
      > K. Elizabeth
      February 28, 2025

      yes do your own easter basket. I love that idea too