So I got this post idea from one of my favorite bloggers Cup of Jo. Since I’m not divorced I thought I would put my own spin on it and tell you 2 things that surprised me about being a widow. Please don’t say sorry for your loss I’m good it’s been a few years. I miss him, and my kids miss him, but I am so happy to have gained an extra angel in heaven and we are doing ok. So with that being said I just got two things…..
- I am selfish. Let me explain now that I am single and I’m on my own I realize I don’t want anybody else living with me telling me how to decorate and I don’t wanna compromise shat. I wanna go on the vacation I want to go on and I’m not cooking every night. If I want cereal I can have a bowl of cereal. I realized that while marriage is nice I love making my own decisions without having a debate about it or without having to meet in the middle. I was like whew….I think I’m selfish and I don’t know if I want to get married again because a part of me is like I like my kitchen sea blue what if he doesn’t or I like to travel for Christmas what if he doesn’t? Then we have to share things and the list goes on…..If you want to have a happy marriage you can’t be selfish sorry it won’t work.
- I know what I want. Period. I tried the dating apps and could spot the bullshat a mile away. I went on a few dates and 2 of the men wanted more kids and I did not. I met a great guy but he was my height and I absolutely can’t do it lol. (I can bend on 5’4 but not 5’2 which is my height sorry). I can tell what they are about by the first few conversations and I end it immediately. I admit I have ghosted but I do give clues cause I don’t have time for the onesided conversation or the you can’t call after 8 pm….why? I know what I want out of life also. I do not want any more kids (knocks on wood cause some of y’all think it’s cute to be 40+ with kids…it is not and gawd forbid if I was to show up like that I would cry), I don’t want to move and retire anywhere unless it’s a beach so if we ain’t moving near the beach we can’t be together cause that’s what I want. I want romance, I want fun, I want to be left alone all at the same time (I’m kidding…no I’m not). I just know what I want and I’m sticking beside it.
The Comments
I often think about what my life would be like if I was single at my big age of 42, and I think I’d be like you. I’d know exactly what I want and spot bs quick.
And I’d want to live alone! I’ve been married 12 years and I still don’t like cuddling or sharing the bed with my husband. Lmao that’s why we got a king size bed. Lol! I need my sleep space (and he snores 🙄 ugh).
I don’t trust people easily now, so I know I would have a very hard time trusting a man I’m dating.
Maybe I’d date a man 10 years younger than me. Hmm 🤔😂😂
Kita Bryant
> JenniferLol that snoring I used to punch him he would stop for a second and be right back at it lawd I remember those days lol. I can date young as long as I’m not old enough to be his mama
Antonette Copeland
I have to say…I feel you on wanting what you want. I’m married and I often wonder that single women don’t have to compromise…lol my hubs works nights, I work days & we have different off days. I LOVE IT! It gives us time to miss one another!
> Antonette Copelandyes to this now this I might can get with lol